Cape Cod Uncontested Divorce was founded by a seasoned divorce attorney who spent three decades in the “trenches” trying contested family law matters in Middlesex, Norfolk and Worcester counties. After realizing that many lawyers keep you fighting on purpose, and seeing how the divorce process can bring out the worst in people, she decided there had to be a better way.
Cape Cod Uncontested Divorce was created for couples who realize that a contested divorce is not for them and would prefer a cooperative, amicable divorce. They have seen friends spend tens of thousands of dollars on divorce lawyers only to end up unhappy with the result. They agree that their money would be better spent on purchasing new homes or sending their kids to college and so they agree to agree so that they can file an uncontested Joint Petition for Divorce.
So what makes us more affordable than other divorce attorneys? We offer a low-cost alternative to litigation and traditional mediation called “conciliation.” Unlike traditional divorce mediators who may put you in separate rooms and try to get you to a middle ground between what you want and what your spouse wants, we know that “I want” is not a legal argument and has no bearing on what a judge is likely to do in your case. Instead, we sit with both of you together in the same room and we tell you, based on experience, what a judge would be likely to do in your case if it went to trial.
So why is our website called DIYDivorceCapeCod? Well many of our clients agree before they walk in the door, for the most part, on the major issues like custody, property division, child support and spousal support, but they don’t know how or where to start to dissolve their marriage. They would DIY if they could, but they know enough not to draft their own legal separation agreement or divorce agreement that is required for filing with a Joint Petition for Divorce in Massachusetts. You wouldn’t do your own surgery and probably don’t even do your own taxes, so why would you try to do your own divorce?