Everyone wants the best divorce lawyer on their side. But what happens when you have a great divorce lawyer and your spouse hires another top divorce attorney? Well, for starters, you each pony up a big retainer. Then one or both of the lawyers file divorce papers and have the other spouse served by a sheriff, maybe while they’re at work, or maybe at home in front of your kids. Then you pay the two attorneys to request documents from one another, often documents that you and your spouse already have.
Then they file motions for temporary orders, schedule depositions, attend scheduling conferences, settlement conferences and pretrial conferences until your retainer is used up and they have squeezed every last nickel out of you. When there is no more money to be found, then they may start recommending that you think about settling. By this point you and your spouse despise one another. If you have children, they most likely feel caught in the middle of your disputes. There is a lot less money left to fight over and now both of you are feeling pretty bad about the choice to hire lawyers.
Cape Cod Uncontested Divorce was founded by a seasoned divorce attorney who spent three decades in the “trenches” trying contested family law matters in Middlesex, Norfolk and Worcester counties. After realizing that many lawyers keep you fighting on purpose, and seeing how the divorce process can bring out the worst in people, she decided there had to be a better way.
Cape Cod Uncontested Divorce was created for couples who realize that a contested divorce is not for them and would prefer a cooperative, amicable divorce. They have seen friends spend tens of thousands of dollars on divorce lawyers only to end up unhappy with the result. They agree that their money would be better spent on purchasing new homes or sending their kids to college and so they agree to agree so that they can file an uncontested Joint Petition for Divorce.
At Cape Cod Uncontested Divorce, we use our 30 years’ experience to tell you what a judge would be likely to do if your case went to trial so that you can reach a fair and equitable agreement quickly, without the fighting and without spending your life’s savings.
So what do we do? As the best divorce attorney in Falmouth, we offer a low-cost alternative to litigation and traditional mediation. We will help you nail down your agreement; iron out any wrinkles; prepare your divorce documents including an expertly-drafted, comprehensive agreement for inclusion in your divorce judgment; and walk you through the court process to ensure your papers get filed and approved by the court quickly.